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Good heart
Please term good heart is often used for reference to helpful public activity, beside it means accurate condition of organ for pumping the blood in organism. It is known, that physical wellness is related to psychical, so to do humanic acts also means to do something for physical health.
Please organization from Seattle in Washington state of USA provides webs, where you can click on button image and then appear banners of companies, that sponsor food and care for ill and kids. Counted is 1 click daily from particular computer (IP address).
Breast Cancer Site - funding of mammograms
With click on text Click Here to Give - it's FREE you support mammograms used for screening breast cancer.
Hunger Site - food for hungry people
With click on text Click Here to Give - it's FREE you provide nutrition for hungry people in developing countries.
Child Health Site - healtcare for kids
With click on text Click Here to Give - it's FREE you support healthcare for kids in developing countries.
Main: Main Page, Advice, Nabuur, Schools in Oyoko
Geography: African countries 1, African countries 2, Akosombo Dam, Ghana, Koforidua, Lake Volta, Oyoko, Regional capitals of Ghana
Neighbours: Barb Briggs, Ernest Okrah - local representative, Frantisek Korbel, Jean-Claude Kamwenubusa, Ken Hargesheimer, Mazombo Menga Rodolphe, Pelle Aardema, Raul Alberto Caceres, Stella Akiteng, Sushmita Lahiri
Promotion: Link exchange, Photo gallery 1, Photo gallery 2, Video, YouTube channel
Education: Arithmetics training, English alphabet, English plural exceptions,
Lanthanoids, Periodic table, Useful information
Statistics: Web statistics Visits in 2008: June, July, August, September, October, November, December Visits in 2009: January, February