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Periodic table of chemical elements
Groups/ Periods |
Group 1 IA |
Group 2 IIA |
Group 3 IIIB |
Group 4 IVB |
Group 5 VB |
Group 6 VIB |
Group 7 VIIB |
Group 8 VIIIB |
Group 9 VIIIB |
Group 10 VIIIB |
Group 11 IB |
Group 12 IIB |
Group 13 IIIA |
Group 14 IVA |
Group 15 VA |
Group 16 VIA |
Group 17 VIIA |
Group 18 VIIIA |
Period 1 | 1H2.2 | 2He | ||||||||||||||||
Period 2 | 3Li0.98 | 4Be1.57 | 5B2.04 | 6C2.55 | 7N3.04 | 8O3.44 | 9F3.98 | 10Ne | ||||||||||
Period 3 | 11Na0.93 | 12Mg1.31 | 13Al1.61 | 14Si1.9 | 15P2.19 | 16S2.58 | 17Cl3.16 | 18Ar | ||||||||||
Period 4 | 19K0.82 | 20Ca1.0 | 21Sc1.36 | 22Ti1.54 | 23V1.63 | 24Cr1.66 | 25Mn1.55 | 26Fe1.83 | 27Co1.88 | 28Ni1.91 | 29Cu1.9 | 30Zn1.65 | 31Ga1.81 | 32Ge2.01 | 33As2.18 | 34Se2.55 | 35Br2.96 | 36Kr3.0 |
Period 5 | 37Rb0.82 | 38Sr0.95 | 39Y1.22 | 40Zr1.33 | 41Nb1.6 | 42Mo2.16 | 43Tc1.9 | 44Ru2.2 | 45Rh2.28 | 46Pd2.2 | 47Ag1.93 | 48Cd1.69 | 49In1.78 | 50Sn1.96 | 51St2.05 | 52Te2.1 | 53I2.66 | 54Xe2.6 |
Period 6 | 55Cs0.79 | 56Ba0.89 | 57La1.1 | 72Hf1.3 | 73Ta1.5 | 74W2.36 | 75Re1.9 | 76Os2.2 | 77Ir2.2 | 78Pt2.28 | 79Au2.54 | 80Hg2.0 | 81Tl1.62 | 82Pb2.33 | 83Bi2.02 | 84Po2.0 | 85At2.2 | 86Rn2.2 |
Period 7 | 87Fr0.7 | 88Ra0.9 | 89Ac1.1 | 104Rf | 105Db | 106Sg | 107Bh | 108Hs | 109Mt | 110Ds | 111Rg | 112Uub | 113Uut | 114Uuq | 115Uup | 116Uuh | 117Uus | 118Uuo |
Lanthanoids | |||||||||||||
58Ce1.12 | 59Pr1.13 | 60Nd1.14 | 61Pm1.13 | 62Sm1.17 | 63Eu1.2 | 64Gd1.2 | 65Tb1.1 | 66Dy1.22 | 67Ho1.23 | 68Er1.24 | 69Tm1.25 | 70Yb1.1 | 71Lu1.27 |
Actinoids | |||||||||||||
90Th1.3 | 91Pa1.5 | 92U1.38 | 93Np1.36 | 94Pu1.28 | 95Am1.13 | 96Cm1.28 | 97Bk1.3 | 98Cf1.3 | 99Es1.3 | 100Fm1.3 | 101Md1.3 | 102No1.3 | 103Lr1.291 |
See also
Main: Main Page, Advice, Nabuur, Schools in Oyoko
Geography: African countries 1, African countries 2, Akosombo Dam, Ghana, Koforidua, Lake Volta, Oyoko, Regional capitals of Ghana
Neighbours: Barb Briggs, Ernest Okrah - local representative, Frantisek Korbel, Jean-Claude Kamwenubusa, Ken Hargesheimer, Mazombo Menga Rodolphe, Pelle Aardema, Raul Alberto Caceres, Stella Akiteng, Sushmita Lahiri
Promotion: Link exchange, Photo gallery 1, Photo gallery 2, Video, YouTube channel
Education: Arithmetics training, English alphabet, English plural exceptions,
Lanthanoids, Periodic table, Useful information
Statistics: Web statistics Visits in 2008: June, July, August, September, October, November, December Visits in 2009: January, February