Launching of Oyoko Development Association

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ODA logo.jpg
Launching the ODA logo
Nifahene and Guest of Honour - New Juaben MCE
Guest Speaker-Professor Emmanuel Gyimah

On the 6th of March 2016, the dream of the youth and inhabitants of Oyoko came to fruition. A new born baby of the town saw the day of light in a ceremonial launching. I remember fondly the passion and enthusiasm members harnessed to see to a wonderful outdooring of this developmental group. Not just rhetoric but we backed our words with actions. Strategically and more divinely also, the launching was met with the 59th birthday of the Republic of Ghana. As Ghana was 59 years, Oyoko development association was in its 1st year of existence. I dare say that, Oyoko youth is capable of managing its own affairs towards to total emancipation of the development of the town. Just to reflect on the words of Kwame Nkrumah on the independence day declaration.

The early morning on the day of launching was spectacular. Members saw the essence to begin the ceremony with cleanliness. By 5:00am, some members were live on oyoko fm station infront of the palace. The purpose was to further publicize and wet the interest of all town folks in the ceremony. Portions of the Oyoko Health Centre, maybe the first time, total cleanup exercise. Not only did we go there to weed and tidy up the place but to sing morale songs in different tunes. I was, particularly, excited to see the morale team of Adaneagya join the clean up exercise.

We all matched to the venue for the 6th March parade (Oyoko Methodist Park) to see to the preparation, and also erect canopies for the planned health screening exercise, after the clean up. By 10:30am, the place was set. The screening materials were placed. All drugs and equipments were stationed for the exercise to commence. It was really a good scene.

The dignitaries arrived. The traditional council represented. Schools were lined up to show their matching prowess. Except the only secondary school that was missing in action, all schools represented, both private and public. The schools took their turns in the parade. I recollect how a contingent of one school (name upheld) had his shoe removed and an attempt to put it on disrupted their well-rehearsed show. It took the whole onlookers laughing aloud at the display. Not to exaggerate but I saw the entire oyoko folk at the venue. The periphery of the park was filled to capacity.

Soon after the parade, the stage was prepared for the much-awaited ceremony of the day to commence. Frankly, the participation for the screening was great. Thumps up to the nurses and pharmacist who made time to help the town folks. At about 1:15pm, the invited dignitaries were seated to grace the occassion. The Municipal Chief Executive of New Juaben -Mr Kwabena Okyere-Kusi, the Head of Distance Learning, University of Cape Coast- Professor Emmanuel Gyimah were the guest of honour and guest speaker respectively. The chief of the town was heavily represented by the Nifahene of Oyoko, who doubled as the Chairman for the occasion. The programme zoomed into proper action after the opening prayer was said. The master of ceremony (MC) did well to follow the line-up of activities. After the welcome address by the Acting Secretary, the Acting Chairman also took the stage to give us the origin or history of the association. He remarked that, the real motive of the association was to supplement the development of the town and also give back to the society. Spectacular extempo speech was delivered by the Chief Executive. He opined that, not only do we fall on government to give us development but we can also do our part to help the developmental agenda. He advised the youth to resist any form of immoral attitude that might end us bad but also think positive as we have begun with a group like this. Prof. Gyimah really made my day with his presentation. He is a native of the town who had climbed the ladder of academia. He took almost an hour on the floor expressing his wealthy experience and also challenging us to do more on what we have started. He never minced words in advising us in our various fields of endeavour. He ended his speech in a spectacular way with some biblical and social quotes.

Unexpectedly, the chief and elders of Oyoko Zongo graced the occasion. Though, they were not invited, they heard about the programme and decided to show their love. Unqualified apologies were rendered them for not extending invitation to them which were accepted in good faith. The media was also represented. We had the TV Africa, Good Life Fm and free Fm which covered all proceedings for us.

In a very memorable way, the logo of the association was unveiled. Stickers were sold to members and those present. Sadly to recount that, the sale was very bad.But It hwas expected in a typical farming community which has met the dry season.

The Chairman for the occasion raised many challenging questions to the group in his closing remarks. He donated, on behalf of the chief and elders of Oyoko, an amount of GHC 200. His donation was followed by Prof. Gyimah who gave same amount. The MCE asked us to present a letter to his outfit for street lights to help us fulfil the one-pole-one -light campaign of the group. The ceremony was garnished with musical interludes. Vote of thanks was given, after which the closing prayer was said.

The health screening continued and recorded huge participation. It was free. Town folks engaged in various screening, except the HIV test. The mystery around HIV has still not been demystified. Fears all over.

At around 4:00pm, the entire program came to a close. The ceremony was blessed with heavy downpour that signifies success. This is just the beginning of a great story. Now, the big, challenging question is, WHAT NEXT????

Let's keep the fire ablaze to the full realization of our dream. Thanks to all of us.

Text by Mr. Felix Osafo

Documents and photos sent by Mr. Ernest Okrah


Guest Speaker & Guest of Honour with ODA Executives

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Guest Speaker and Zongo Representatives

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Zongo Representatives

ODA Executives audience with Nana Kodua Kesse II

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ODA Executive audience with Nana Kodua Kesse II.jpg

Communal Labour by ODA members

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Health Screening

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